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116 Sigma Dr., Clemson, SC 29634, USA
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/working-with-tabular-data-in-arcgis-pro-registration-69332532471?aff=erelexpmlt ##GIS #ClemsonGIS #CCGT #WorkshopsThe Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies (CCGT) is hosting a workshop on Working with Tabular Data in GIS. Gain a deeper understanding of the attribute component of spatial data. We will explore simple query capabilities, such as selection by attribute or location, and table joins which link spatial data sets. These foundational skills allow GIS researchers to conduct complex spatial analysisThis workshop is free for all Clemson students, staff, and faculty.This is the third session in our GIS Fundamentals Workshop Series. Learn more at bit.ly/gisseries!
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