106 Cordillo Pkwy Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

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Art League of Hilton Head’s new exhibition, “The Trees,” highlights the Lowcountry’s native trees and their benefits for our landscapes.


​“We’re thrilled to announce this partnership with Clemson Extension,” says Kristen McIntosh, Art League of Hilton Head’s Executive Director. “The work shown in this collection gives us a chance to bring special attention to the nature that surrounds us and makes the Lowcountry a special place to live and visit.”

The Trees: A Collaboration between Art League of Hilton Head and Clemson Extension runs May 20 – 31, 2024, at Art League Academy. An opening reception will be held Thursday, May 23, from 5-7pm Tree talks will also take place on May 23 and May 28 at 3pm, discussing the importance of our native trees, with a question-and-answer session after each talk.


Amanda Taylor, a Forestry and Natural Resources Agent with Clemson Extension, will present “How native trees are good for wildlife,” sharing the cute, cuddly, and creepy crawlies and their benefits versus a typical urban landscape on Thursday, May 23. On Tuesday, May 28, Glen Payne, an urban horticulture agent with Clemson Extension, will detail the benefits of native trees, their usefulness, and resources for their care.

The exhibit, reception, and tree talks are free to attend and open to the public.

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