141 Jersey Lane, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA

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Superstars come and go. Cher is forever. For six straight decades, only one unstoppable force has flat-out dominated popular culture — breaking down barriers, pushing boundaries, and letting nothing and no one stand in her way. THE CHER SHOW is the Tony Award-winning

musical of her story, and it's packed with so much Cher that it takes three women to play her: the kid starting out, the glam pop star, and the icon. THE CHER SHOW is 35 smash hits, six decades of stardom, two rock-star husbands, a Grammy®, an Oscar®, an Emmy® and enough
Tony Award-winning Bob Mackie gowns to cause a nationwide sequin shortage, all in one unabashedly fabulous new musical that will have you dancing in the aisles!

Balcony and Mezzanine seating accessible by stairs only.

Please review our policies regarding refunds & cancellations here.

If tickets remain for the performance, FREE tickets will be available to Clemson students with CUID, beginning 30 minutes before start of performance, for our Boni Belle Brooks Series events. Tickets will be dispersed until the start of the performance or until tickets run out. 

Only 1 ticket allowed per student with CUID.

Check the Brooks Center's website for ticket availability.

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