About this Event
0-15 Add to calendarThe population numbers in Horry County have increased approximately 38% between 2014 and today! If you are a new resident, or a new land owner, we invite you to this series to learn more about managing your property for farming or personal use. The currently scheduled dates and topics are below, more may be added. More details on each session can be found on the registration page.You can join via Zoom for free or in-person for $15/session/person which includes lunch.
Welcome, Landowners! on 09/16/2024
Tools and Resources to Learn your Land on 09/23/2024
Local Wildlife on 09/30/2024
Opportunities for Youth on 10/07/2024
Growing Vegetables Here on 10/14/2024
Common Beneficial Insects & Pests on 10/21/2024
Forages on 10/28/2024
Raising Livestock Here on 11/04/2024
Traditional Horry Row Crops on 11/11/2024
Practices to Manage Water on your Property on 11/18/2024
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