About this Event
Chandler L. Burns Hall Room 387; Wilbur O. and Anne Powers College of Business225 Walter T Cox Boulevard, Room 387, Clemson, SC, 29634
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/clemson-mba-drop-in-chandler-l-burns-hall-room-387-tickets-713938749017?aff=oddtdtcreator #dropinBuild on Your Foundation: Elevate Your Career After Graduation with Clemson MBA.
Are you a Clemson Student or Employee looking for graduate school options?
Please join Clemson’s Master of Business Administration program in Clemson on campus for a drop-in event to learn more about the full-time MBA programs that we offer for recent graduates and part-time programs for working professionals.
• Start this Spring, Summer or Fall
• Students and employees from all majors and departments are welcome
The event is free, but please RSVP as space is limited. Please select from the available times and drop in anytime during your selected time frame.
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