About this Event
Master Gardener Mondays: a monthly continuing education program for Master Gardeners offered by the South Carolina Master Gardener Program. Sessions are offered on the first Monday of each month at 2:00 PM via Zoom. Each live webinar is approximately 1 hour and includes time for Q&A. Registration through Eventbrite is required.
Session Description: Maintaining a landscape while managing insect pests like fire ants, grubs, aphids, scale, and more can be a constant headache. Taking an integrated pest management approach, concentrating on overall plant health, and developing specific strategies for each pest can help to alleviate some of the frustration. Pressure from insect pests is inevitable, but implementing the right plan can help minimize the damage.
Registration through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/master-gardener-mondays-inescapable-insects-tickets-836354427607?aff=oddtdtcreator
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