Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Join us for a fun and informative lunch and learn with Clemson Extension Agents!
September 4
Andrew “Drew” Jeffers: Moles & Voles
Controlling moles, voles, and other pesky vertebrae in your garden.
September 18
Kerrie Roach: Apples -THIS CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Contact for more information.
Learn about the apple industry in South Carolina, and then sample some scrumptious apples.
October 2
October 16
Mark Arena: Pecans
How to raise and care for pecans at home.
November 6
Dara Park: Home Soil and Water Tests
Bring your soil and water tests to Dara Park and she’ll help you understand them and help you translate them into concrete steps you can take in your garden. For details on soil and water testing:
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