About this Event
301 East Poinsett Street Greer, SC 29651
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ipm-symposium-2023-tickets-638790959957?aff=oddtdtcreator #SCCLP, IPM, Pesticide Training, Recertification, landscape, grower, nursery, greenhouseThe annual IPM Symposium is an all-day event to provide current and relevant IPM topics to green industry professionals.
Thursday 10-26-23 8:30am – 3:30pm
City of Greer Events Hall
301 East Poinsett St Greer, SC 29651
Cost : $65.00
8:30 am – Registration
9:00 am - How incorporating biological control agents can reduce pesticide applications
10:00 am - Weed IPM in Turf, Beyond Herbicides
11:00 am - Managing Spotted Lantern Fly
12:00pm – BBQ Lunch
1:00 pm - Disease Integrated Pest Management for Landscape Ornamentals
2:00 pm - Disease IPM of Turf, Beyond Fungicides
3:00 pm - Credits and dismiss
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