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How much do you love your smartphone? When it’s not with you do you feel lost or even panicked? Who knows you better than your smartphone? If it could talk, what could it tell the world about you? Wouldn’t you want to have a say about what it tells the world about you?  Well, take control! Grab your best friend (yes, your smartphone) and let’s talk about smartphone privacy settings. 


Join the University Chief Privacy Officer at one of the 15-minute smartphone privacy clinics, where you will learn how you can control the data your smartphone collects and shares about you, without you even knowing! This is hands on – don’t forget to bring your BFF! 


This workshop is aimed at students but open to all! We encourage indicating "I'm interested" to help us make sure we have enough hands-on-deck to assist each attendee.


For individuals requiring accommodations, please contact Monique Everroad, 864-656-8712, as early as possible prior to the event to  help ensure availability

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