About this Event
405 S Palmetto Blvd, Clemson, SC 29634
https://idp.app.clemson.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?SAMLRequest=jVNBbtswEPyKwLtEUZJthbAcuDGCGkgbw3Z66KVYkauEKEWqJOU2v4%2Bs2G3ag9PrcnZndmY5v%2F7V6uiAzitrKsKSlERohJXKPFbkYX8bl%2BR6MffQ6qzjyz48mS3%2B6NGHaGg0nr%2B%2BVKR3hlvwynMDLXoeBN8tP93xLEl552ywwmoS ##faculty #officeoftheprovost #ombudsThe Ombuds Office is collaborating with the Clemson University Office of Faculty ADVANCEment to host training incorporating principles supporting dignity and inclusive practices covering the following skills and goals:
The workshop focuses on what to do when something has happened, and you can’t get past it. This session discusses intent v. impact, the contribution model, assumptions and defensiveness. Exercises and roleplays are included to solidify your learning.
This event will be held at the Watt 218 on April 17, 2024, from 8 to 10 a.m. Enroll for the in-person session or view on-demand at TigerTraining.
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