Monday, February 27, 2023 11:15am to 12:05pm
About this Event
Add to calendar"Form and function in the evolution of coral reef fishes”
Invited Speaker: Katherine Corn, Virginia Tech
Dr. Corn is a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr. Josef Uyeda at Virginia Tech. Prior to arriving at Virginia Tech, she completed her PhD with Dr. Peter C. Wainwright at the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Corn’s research focuses on the intersection of biomechanics and macroevolution, exploring how major transitions in ecology and behavior affect the evolution of morphology and function. She studies these questions in the largest living radiation of vertebrates, teleost fishes.
Major questions that Dr. Corn’s work asks include:
1. How does feeding mode affect the evolution of the prey capture apparatus in fishes?
2. How linked are evolution of form (morphology) and function (kinematics)?
3. How do functional trade-offs mediate adaptive evolution?
To answer these questions, Dr. Corn uses a suite of cutting-edge phylogenetic comparative
methods and geometric morphometrics to study fishes from museum collections as well as live animals in the lab and field.
twitter: @damalichthys
Hosted by Sam Price and Jen Hodge
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