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"From biotechnology to biomonitoring: eDNA as a comprehensive tool for marine ecosystems"

Jeanette Davis, PhD
Assistant Professor, Marine & Environ. Science, Hampton University

Instagram: @Dr_Ocean24

Twitter: @DrOcean24


Hosted by Tokea Payton and Michael Childress

The emerging science of eDNA can provide a continuous flow of data which is a promising approach for biological investigation. Within the last decade, species detection from eDNA has shown exciting potential for routine species surveys. This work highlights several research topics using eDNA to better understand marine ecosystems from biotechnology to species monitoring. One research study highlights eDNA coupled with other genetic tools to uncover a marine bacterium that lives in association with a Hawaiian sea slug and its algal diet that produces a promising anticancer compound. Another research study showcases strategic considerations for invasive species managers in the use of eDNA as a surveillance tool. Lastly research findings reveal the value of eDNA as a "new net" for sampling fish and provide insights into abundance and distribution that are important for management. Collectively these research examples highlight that eDNA serves as a less invasive and inexpensive monitoring tool that offers a more comprehensive view and understanding of marine ecosystems.


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  • Kea Payton
  • Paige McKnight

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