321 Calhoun Dr., Clemson, SC 29634, USA

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Please join AnthroClub next Wednesday, March 8th, in Brackett 131 at 6:30 PM for our one and only meeting this March! Due to spring break, we will only formally meet once this month, but I hope you can join us next week and we will talk more about other opportunities this month outside of meetings.

Happy Women's History Month! At the meeting we will be focusing on women in anthropology! We will have a presentation on the topic and hope to open the floor for you all to share your experiences and knowledge surrounding the topic of women in anthropology and women's history. Our very own Alleyia Bailey will be sharing information about the first archaeologist at Clemson University, Carrel Cowan-Ricks, as we will celebrate her legacy near the end of the month. All are welcome and as always there will be pizza and lemonade provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please forward any questions, comments, or concerns to our email (cuanthroclub@gmail.com), Instagram (@cuanthroclub), or message any board members or the group on GroupMe.

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