323 Fernow St., Clemson, SC 29631

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W, Nov. 17

Noon–5 p.m.







12 noon - 5 p.m.

Lee Gallery Hallway & McClure Courtyard

1-101 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634


The ceramics studio in the Department of Art at Clemson University will hold the Annual Ceramics Bowl Sale from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17, in the hallway in front of the Lee Gallery in Lee Hall and the McLure Courtyard.


This long-standing Clemson University tradition was postponed from last year due to the pandemic. 


“The bowl sale’s history can be traced back at least 35 years,” said Valerie Zimany, art chair and professor of ceramics. “We look forward to bringing this popular tradition back for our community and the entrepreneurial learning opportunity it provides for our students. We are making a few adjustments to accommodate a healthy environment for our artists and guests to share in and support our students’ creative research endeavors. To this day, it still delights me to discover the ‘history’ of the bowl sale in offices and other locations across Clemson’s campus!”


The one-day sale will utilize the adjacent outdoor McClure Courtyard next to the Lee Gallery to help with the flow of this popular sale.  


Through the event, Clemson Ceramics Association student members gain skills in running a creative business and all proceeds support student scholarship and travel to the annual National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts conference (NCECA).


“Creating work for the bowl sale is a valuable experience because I manage multiple tasks and I learn how to price my artwork,” said Olivia Hueble, rising BFA senior in Ceramics and Clemson Ceramics Association president, “The sale is important to help us travel to and attend NCECA where we will present student research, attend lectures, learn about internship opportunities and network with ceramic artists – next spring we will be traveling to California for the conference!”


A large selection of functional work by students and faculty will be on display in a variety of price points. Limited light refreshments will be available, pending University event approvals and COVID-19 recommendations, between noon–1 p.m., with the sale continuing until 5 p.m. The Spring Ceramic Sale will be April 27, 2022.

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