Wednesday, August 9, 2023 5:30pm to 7pm
About this Event
2000 E Greenville St, Anderson, SC 29621 University Historian Dr. Otis Pickett will lecture on the history of race and lynching in the upstate of South Carolina on August 9th at AnMed in Anderson, SC. This is the third lecture in a series inspired by The AAR&RI Sculpture in Residence at the AnMed North Campus in the Oglesby Center Atrium.
Location: AnMed Oglesby Center Atrium, 2000 East Greenville St., Anderson, SC 29621
About Dr. Otis Pickett: Building coalitions across ethnic, cultural, and political aisles, Dr. Pickett labored in this arena in Mississippi for 15 years and was able to build consensus across multiple divides to bring unity and make positive changes. Dr. Picket is the third University Historian in Clemson’s History. Dr. Pickett received his PhD in history from the University of Mississippi, his MA in history from the College of Charleston, his MA in theology for Covenant Theological Seminary, and his BA in history from Clemson University.
About AAR&RI: AnMed is a founding member of the the Anderson Area Remembrance and Reconciliation Initiative (AAR&RI). The goal of this initiative is to honor the five known victims of racial terror lynching in Anderson County by reflecting more honestly on the legacy of racial and economic injustice. AAR&RI is working in partnership with the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, to raise awareness and inspire action through dialogue, community education, and public memorials as tools to reduce health and social disparities and move us toward the goal of a “Beloved Community” for all.
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