Friday, September 27, 2024
About this Event
Sign up for the South Carolina 4-H Horse Project Record Book to track your journey with your horse! This project is a fantastic opportunity to document your progress, set goals, and showcase your achievements in horse care, riding, and knowledge. Whether you're new to 4-H or an experienced member, the record book helps you stay organized and focused throughout the year. Plus, it's a great way to reflect on your growth and share your experiences with others.
New for 2024-2025: Completion of the 4-H Horse Project Record Book or participation in a 4-H Horse Program Educational Contest (e.g., Horse Bowl, Hippology, Horse Judging, and Communications Contest) is REQUIRED for anyone wishing to attend the State 4-H Horse Show. Therefore, if you do not compete in a statewide horse educational event, you must register for and submit a SC 4-H Horse Record Book Project this 4-H year.
Youth can choose to complete the 4-H record book digitally or on paper. A digital version will be sent to the email address provided in this registration and in 4HOnline. A paper version will be sent to the address that is provided in registration.
We encourage you to sign-up for the project record book early! The primary registration period for the project will be the month of September 2024. (Late registrations will be accepted through Friday, January 31, 2025.) You must complete and turn in the record book to your agent by Friday, April 4, 2025, although, local deadlines may be earlier.
Timeline Overview:
PLEASE NOTE: Enrollment as a 4-H Member a separate process that requires additional annual dues of $15. (Youth that enroll in 4HOnline between Sept. 1-30, 2024, will receive a 4-H T-shirt as an added bonus!) All participants registered in this project will be contacted as reminder to enroll in 4HOnline to be eligible for state awards.
Custodial Care: Please note that this project and its coordinators do not assume custodial care of youth participating in this independent-study project. Adults (parents, guardians, volunteers, coaches, or chaperones) are responsible for supervising youth participants.
Refund statement: Full payment is due upon registration. No refunds will be issued 7 days after payment is received.
If you have any questions, please contact Leona Ransdell at
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